クラシック ブラック ダービー ジャケット、2021 年 9 月 19 日発売

クラシック ブラック ダービー ジャケットが 2021 年 9 月 19 日に発売

モデル、ウィリー・ホアグ @williehoag


  • jess

    Black and gold for man

  • Keith Buschman

    Please let me know when the classic Black with the gold lining is available🇺🇸

  • Joe

    Will you be putting out anymore of the black classic derbies?

  • Patricia Sanchez

    I really want the classic black with gold lining please advise when I can get notified when stock comes back in

  • Ron

    Can you put on your blog the next release date of the black Derby? I realize it has been tough through the pandemic and all but you guys aren’t giving us any info on when to expect the jackets. Maybe state when they can be expected. This year, next? Anything will do. Thank you.
